Sunday, November 15, 2009

Come on, ride the train!

If you've never been to China and happen to be wondering about the state of rail transport in this land of tea and Llouis Vnittou, well, let me tell you now: It's totally deck! As an American-born-wannabe-European traveler, I have seen my share of train systems. And while my true homeland's rail layout is something akin to an elementary school short-bus, my homeland of the spirit sports some pretty fine and extensive tracks and trains. Nonetheless, I have to say that I'm advantaging China in this category, mainly because of affordability. For something like the equivalent of a European Benjamin, you could get a bed on your journey crossing the entire middle kingdom. Sweet! Try training across the pint-sized European Union with a hundred bucks! Have a nice Ryan Air flight, you umweltunfreundlich sucker. I guess it's time to stop humming Trans Europe Express and time to get with the Chinese new wave.

"Zhan tai" (comes to be "platform" or "depot" depending on the state of your dictionary) was a huge hit in the 80's. It remains a crowd pleaser today, at least among those who are not sooooo "contemporary" as to be scared of a little nostalgia. Moreover, Jia Zhang Ke took the song as the title for his 2002 film about China's crazy 80's, and Beijing's own electro bandits (or sexbots, if you prefer), Pet Conspiracy, have released a cover. So, what are you waiting for...get on it!

Pet Conspiracy - Depot

Liu Hong - Zhan Tai (Original)

Choo choo!

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